Why I feel healing people is important for the future of our species

Maybe with such a title it is already clear to you, but I’d like to explain it for those who have not yet looked at the need to heal people from this perspective.

Some call it seeds of hatred, the future trauma that is planted by the horrible consequences of for example a war. I used to wish the instigators of such wars dead, but now I wish them enlightenment. Why? Well, would a happy and healthy, emotionally balanced, connected human being ever start a war? I feel they wouldn’t.

And along the same line I feel that a happy and healthy, emotionally balanced, connected human being would in general always try to prevent suffering for other beings, they would not exploit other beings and nature. They would see the interconnectedness of all living beings in nature, the circularity. They would understand the karma of their actions. Primum non nocere: first do no harm.

Why do some people cause harm to other beings and nature? It looks like they are suffering themselves too. Maybe they have suffered trauma and have never found a way to process it. They are disconnected. They suffer emotionally. They suffer mentally. Maybe they suffer physically as a consequence too. And to deal with this suffering they, consciously or subconsciously, inflict pain upon other beings. They feel completely one with their ego and are trying to appease the suffering with actions that make others suffer too. But it does not help, they continue to suffer. Because they try to find their balance outside themselves. And they are unable to see and deal with their own suffering in a proper manor.

This goes for many different people, from war criminals to corporate professionals willingly helping exploitation of other beings and nature for profit.

Therefore creating places where you can go when you know something is off, where you can find the start of your healing journey, feels important to me. Creating these places is my calling and contribution to a better world. To break this vicious cycle of suffering beings inflicting pain upon other beings and nature.

At healing grounds we plant seeds of love.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

Sanskrit mantra

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