Welcome to Healing Grounds. Nice to have you here.

Healing Grounds are places where you can go when you know something is off. To start your healing journey. The first Healing Grounds will soon arrive at Zonnestraal Estate in Hilversum, the Netherlands. If you know another place that would be a perfect fit for Healing Grounds your tips are very welcome, please email us at info@healinggrounds.eu.

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Your body ís trying to tell you something

People know when something is off. With vague complaints however it can be hard to find a starting point of your healing journey. I have a great desire to fix that.

At Healing Grounds people can come to figure out what is off, might it be physical, emotional, spiritual, mental or all of those together. 

There are different kind of health professionals who come there too, to hold events, offer their therapy or stay for a longer period of time. From all sorts of backgrounds. Ultimately we wish for people to be able to experience oneness with all that lives. Because we believe this will accelerate their lives to be sustainable, happy and healthy.

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Healing Grounds facilitates

What it is

  • Inviting and welcoming, for people who are willing to work on themselves.
  • Honest, open and genuine health professionals of all sorts of backgrounds come (and stay) here. Open mindedness and humbleness are important.
  • A farm like setting with home grown food, (medicinal) herbs, horses, natural buildings.
  • A space where therapy, events and education can take place.

What it is not

  • A medical centre where operations take place.
  • A holiday resort.
  • Free, however there is more than just money.
  • A sect of any kind.

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What takes place

  • An intake to guide people towards the best starting point of their healing journey. 
  • Emotional, physical, spiritual and mental healing.
  • We aim for people to be able to experience oneness with all that lives on our beautiful planet. Because we believe this will accelerate their move towards a healthy, sustainable and happy life within the planetary boundaries.
  • Gardening, we grow vegetables and (medicinal) herbs.
  • Sports, high and low impact, from CrossFit to Yoga.

What doesn’t take place

  • Medical procedures.
  • Converting people or imposing beliefs on another soul.

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Why I want to bring Healing Grounds into this world.

I believe people will greatly accelerate their move towards a sustainable, healthy and happy lifestyle when they experience oneness with all that lives on our beautiful planet. This is necessary to cope with the environmental and ecological crisis humankind has caused and is still causing. Therefore I want to bring Healing Grounds into this world, places where people can go when they know something is off. Healers will help people on all levels of Maslow’s Pyramid and as summum help them to experience oneness again, when they’re ready.

Why I believe people know when something is off in an early stage

When I was sixteen I was really ill. I slept on a stretcher next to my parents’ bed. In the middle of the night I woke up with a serious pain in the base of my brain, my brainstem. I woke my mom up and told her I thought I had meningitis because I had such specific pain in my brainstem. My mom gave me her cherry pit pillow and told me that’s just how flu feels sometimes. The next morning we went to the GP and sat in the waiting room for close to an hour, I was going through excruciating pains and started feeling very vague. The GP listened to my story and told my mom she was not sure either, so it would be better to go to the hospital to double check about the possible meningitis. When we arrived at the ER the team had been informed by my GP and they were waiting for me, within 15 mins I was diagnosed with meningitis and 5 minutes later I was in the ICU. Luckily it was bacterial meningitis and the antibiotics worked very rapidly, after 24 hours I was out of the danger zone. Not only did I survive, I survived without any residual symptoms. Diagnosing meningitis is a matter of hours, it makes the difference between survival, survival with residual symptoms and survival without residual symptoms. What would have happened if I hadn’t listened to my body telling me there was something seriously wrong at the base of my brain, my brainstem?

In 2013 my father died of prostrate cancer. He knew something was off long before he was diagnosed, but his GP told him that it was probably nothing and warned him that the exams were quite awful. Basically the GP told my father; don’t trust your body’s signals, trust me. My father left it with that. Would he have survived his cancer if he had known earlier? I will never know. 

In the Netherlands there’s a book called “365 days successful” which helps you to uncover your deepest desires in life. I bought it in 2013 after traveling through Nepal, Myanmar and the Philippines for 4 months. I felt a great desire to do something meaningful with my life and for the world. Guided by the book I started working on my ideas for Healing Grounds. But life happens, my father’s passing, relationships ending and starting, a new exciting job, two daughters.
And then a sabbatical with my family, time and space to rethink our life. I followed David Gandelman’s course on Insight Timer to Manifest my dreams and Healing Grounds came back to me. It is my way of contributing to solving the world’s crises, which I explain a bit more in this blog post. I have fully committed myself to Healing Grounds, I realise it might take the rest of my life, which is fine.
Help is always welcome, please sign up to Isabella’s newsletter on the bottom of this page to get updated a couple of times a year.

Things I love

  • The book “Hold me tight” by Dr. Sue Johnson. My relationship with my husband was already good, but when I became pregnant I realized our relationship would be the example relationship for my kid(s). We decided to work on it and this book has transformed it from good to amazing. There’s also an online programme by Sue.
  • Lisa Whatley’s meditations, available on Insight Timer. I love her meditation titled: “Start Your Day Motivated, Upbeat and Confident” but also her sleep stories and other meditations are great.
  • David Gandelman’s meditations, available on Insight Timer (app). Specially his 30 day course titled “The Energetics of Success & Manifestation” I find very powerful. 
  • Herba Sanitas (Dutch), study on medicinal herbs based on traditional knowledge combined with modern scientific research on plants.
  • Susan Smit’s book “De Wijsheid van de Heks” (2022).